We are so looking forward to seeing this years Greatest Show on Earth! My son has been excitedly waiting for the circus to return to Raleigh. Fun for the entire family and a place to make wonderful memories.
Fully Charged, the all-new surge of circus entertainment from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® where megawatts of thrills explode off of the arena floor with breathtaking dare-devilry, superhuman stunts and never-before-seen performances that energize children of all ages!
We are so happy to be able to share another wonderful family experience! This years show will be coming to our city February 8th-12th, and if you’re in the Raleigh area, you can pick up 4 tickets for $60 when you use the code MOMR12 !!!
Some feature acts include:
■ Tabayara, the animal trainer, will be galloping fully charged on stallions, orchestrating four-ton, dancing Asian Elephants and standing eye to eye with twelve ferocious tigers.
■ The Ukrainian duo of Dmitry Nadolinkskiy and Ruslan Gilmulin will wow the audience with their feats of strength.
■ The Fearless Fernandez Brothers will display extreme jumps and twists on the Twin Turbines of Steel.
■ Watch Guillermo perform a three hundred sixty degree flying forward somersault, three stories in air.
■ The Human Fuse, Brian Miser, will rocket through the air from his self-made human crossbow, travelling 80 feet at 65 miles per hour.
■ Of course, the clowns from the world-famous Ringling Bros.® clown-alley will be their with hysterical silly antics and clownish comedy.
If you are trying to get away from the February blues and get out and have some family fun, head out to the circus this week for an adventure of a lifetime! Don't forget the discount when you use the promo code. Get your tickets for high-voltage fun today and come back to tell me all about it. FYI, the code can only be used online, tickets have to be bought in groups of 4 and the code is only valid on non-vip tickets and these select shows: Thursday night (7:00 pm), Saturday morning (11:00 am) and Sunday night (5:30 pm).
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